Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Holy Ground Prayer Service April 8 at 7:00

The pastors of churches in the 64130 zip code have just finished planning our Holy Ground Prayer Service next Wednesday at St. Therese.  Some of the church staff commented on all the laughter coming from the Rectory living room.  I have to say that I am very impressed with my colleagues' lively faith, their commitment to their neighbors as well as their parishes, and their hopes that we can continue to work together.  Some have commented that this zip code can't be Holy Ground because of our troubles.  Our troubles are certainly out in plain view for all to see.  Troubles are also hidden behind manicured lawns and electric garage doors, too.  But if the quality of these pastors is any indication of the liveliness of their congregations, there are plenty of places where Christ is present with those who gather in his name, just as He is present with all who walk the Way of the Cross in any city, suburb, small town or countryside.  I'm happy to have these men and women walking the Way of the Cross with me.

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